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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1998A Check-List of Biota of The Peter The Great Bay, The Sea of JapanAdrianov A. V.; O. G. Kussakin
1997Annales de l'Institut OceanographiqueINSTITUT OCEANOGRAPHIQUE
1998Biota in Truong Sa sea watersNguyễn Hữu Phụng
2008Checklist of marine biota of China SeasLiu L. R. (ed. )
2006Developement of marine biota in the paleozoic in response to abiotic factorsBarash M. S.
1997Du luong hoa chat bao ve thuc vat dang co clo trong moi truong va sinh vat o vung cua song ven bien Bac Vietnam (Organochlorinated pesticide residues in coastal environment and biota in North Vietnam)Lưu Văn Diệu; Nguyễn Chu Hồi; Nguyễn Đức Cự; Đỗ Công Thung
1996Environmental Compartments: Eduilibria and Assessment of Processes between Air, Water, Sediments and Biota (Environmental science Application)DUURSMA E. K.; CARROLL J.
1997Marine and Freshwater ResearchMULTI
1997Organochlorinated pesticide residues in the coastal marine experiment and biota in some areas of North VietnamLUU VAN DIEU; NGUYỄN CHU HỒI; PHAM HUNG VIET; DANG DUC NHAN
1995Pelagic Biogeography ICoPB II. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference. The Netherlands, 9-14 1995IOC; UNESCO
2001The state of environment and biota of the Southwestern part of Peter the Great Bay and the Tumen river mouthInstitute Of Marine Biology
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11


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