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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Algae: Anatomy, biochemistry, and biotechnologyBarsanti L.; P. Gualtieri
2004Aquaculture and fisheries biotechnology: Genetic approachesDunham R. A.
2012Aquaculture biotechnologyFletcher G. L.; Matthew L. Rise
2003Biotechnology and genetics in fisheries and aquacultureBeaumont A. R.; K. Hoare
1999Biotechnology Approaches to Disease Prevention in AquacultureCHIARRI M. G.
1995Biotechnology for the 21st Century : New HorizonsNational Science And Technology Council
2003Comparative effects oa EPA and DHA ethyl esters and fish oil hepatic fatty acid metabolism in the ratĐặng Diễm Hồng
1995Environmental Applications of Marine BiotechnologyTEBO B. M.
1999Environmental BiotechnologySCRAGG A.
1999Ethical Issues in BiotechnologyNASER C. R.; NEWTON L. H.; CHAMBERS R.
1998Genetically engineered marine organisms: Environmental and Economic Risks and BenefitsZilinskas R. A. (ed. ); Balint P. J. (ed. )
2004Handbook of microalgal culture: Biotechnology and applied phycologyRichmond A.
1990Initiative for the Accelerated Transfer of Biotechnology to the Ocean ScienceJoint Oceanographic Institutions Incorporated
1999Lignin - Modifying Enzymes of Flavodon flavus, a Basidiomycete Isolated from a Coastal Marine EnvironmentRaghukumar C.; D'Souza T. M.; Thorn R. G.; Reddy C. A.
2005Marine biotechnology I. Advances in biochemical engineering/biotechnology (Volume 96)Scheper T.; Le Gal Y.; Ulber R.
2005Marine Biotechnology II. Advances in biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology (Volume 97)Scheper T.; Le Gal Y.; Ulber R.
1985Marine Biotechnology. Basic Research Relevant to Biomaterials and BiosensorsCommittee on Biotechnology Applied To Naval Needs
1990Marine Biotechnology. Competing in the 21st CenturyNational Sea Grant College Program
1993Marine Biotechnology. Volume 1: Pharmaceutical and bioactive natural productsATTAWAY D. H.; ZABORSKY O. R. (Ed. )
1991Projected research and development activities 1991/1996Australian Institute of Marine Science
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