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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1987A biotest system for long term effect-studies of oil on marine fish eggs and larvae. Design, component description and functional testsHANS JORGEN FYHN; HARALD SALHUS; TRYGG N. BARNUNG
1987A flowthrough biotest system for contiuous exposure of aquatic organisms to oil hydrocarbonsTOR S. SOLBERG; SNORRE TILSETH; JARLE KLUNGSOYR; Et Al.
2002Đánh giá độc tính môi trường vịnh Bình Cang - Nha Phu bằng kỹ thuật kiểm định sinh học (Assessing environmental toxicity in Binh Cang - Nha Phu bay by the bio-test technique)Nguyễn Hữu Huân; Hồ Hải Sâm
1995Evolution and present status of the sea urchin sperm testDinnel P. A.
1996Russian j. of Marine BiologyMULTI
1995Tests for evaluation of pollution in marine environmentTyurin A. N.; Khristoforova N. K.
1995The use of life-history strategies in evaluating marine invertebrates for biotestingLawrence J. M.
1995Using of molluscan hemocytes and echinoderm coelomocytes for biotestingIsaeva V. V.
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8


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