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Showing results 1 to 20 of 31
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
19936th International conference on toxic marine phytoplankton. 18-22 October 1993, Nantes, FranceMULTI
2007A Phaeocystis globosa bloom associated with upwelling in the subtropical South Atlantic BightLong J. D.; M. E. Frischer; C. Y. Robertson
1993Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater ResearchGRANT A. (Ed. )
2013Decreases in turbidity during neap tides initiate late winter blooms of Eucampia zodiacus in a macrotidal embayementIto Y.; Et Al.
2010Development of Phaeocystis globosa blooms in the upwelling waters of the South Central coast of Viet NamDoan, Nhu Hai; Nguyen, Ngoc Lam; Dippner, Joachim W.
1993Fatty acid, sterol and hydrocarbon composition of Antarctic sea ice diatom communities during the spring bloom in McMurdo SoundNICOLS D. S.; Et Al.
1997Fisheries OceanographyMULTI
1994Groupe intergouvernemental COI-FAO sur les efflorescences algales nuisibles(deuxième session)UNESCO
1989Guide to toxic and potentially toxic marine algaeLARSEN J.; MOESTRUP O.
1997Harful algae newsIOC
1998Harmful algae newsIOC
2000Harmful algal blooms in the Benguela current and other upwelling ecosystems: a seclection of papers presented at an international symposium and workshop in Swakopmund, Namibia, 5-6 november 1998Pitcher G. C. (Ed. ); Smayda T. J. (Ed. )
1996Harmful and toxic algal blooms.T. YASUMOTO; Y. OSHIMA; Y. FUKUYO(Edit. )
1998Havets Miljo 1998AURE J.; et Al
1995ICES-IOC working group on dynamics of harmful marine phytoplanktonUNESCO
1990IOC-FAO guiding group of experts on the programme of ocean science in relation to living resources; Third sessionUNESCO
1996IOC-FAO intergovernmental panel on harmful algal BloomsIOC - UNESCO
1996IOC-FAO intergovernmental panel on harmful algal BloomsIOC - UNESCO
1987IOC-IAEA-UNEP group of experts on standards and reference materials; First sessionUNESCO
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