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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1991Anh huong cua gio mua, nhiet do va luong mua den mua vu sinh san cua mot so loai ca kinh te bien Vietnam (Impact of some climatic factors on breeding season of some economic fishes in Vietnam sea)DAO MANH SON; Vien Nghien Cuu Hai San
1991Dac diem sinh hoc va kha nang nuoi trong loai ca ngua den(Hippocampus) o vung bien Khanhhoa(Study on biology and technique breeding and culturing seahorses in Khanhhoa)TRUONG SĨ KỲ; Vien Hai Duong Hoc
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2


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