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Showing results 1 to 20 of 44
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Abnormal features of oceanographic characteristics in upwelling Vietnam waters under impact of El Nino eventsTống, Phước Hoàng Sơn; Trần, Văn Chung; Nguyễn, Hữu Huân; Ngô, Mạnh Tiến; Vũ, Văn Tác; Nguyễn, Hoàng Thái Khang; Nguyễn, Trương Thanh Hội; Herrmann, Marine; Siswanto, Eko
1986AGU-IOC-WMO-CPPS chapman conference: an international symposium on El Nino (Guyaquil, Ecuador, 27-31 October 1986)-
2008An introduction to the dynamics of El Nino and the Southern OscillationClarke A. J.
2018Biến động quần xã thực vật phù du vùng biển Ninh Thuận - Bình Thuận giữa năm sau EL NIÑO và năm trung tính [Variation in phytoplankton community in Ninh Thuan - Binh Thuan coastal waters between post El Niño year and ENSO neutral year]Huỳnh, Thị Ngọc Duyên; Phan, Tấn Lượm; Trần, Thị Lê Vân; Nguyễn, Thị Mai Anh; Trần, Thị Minh Huệ; Nguyễn, Chí Thời; Nguyễn, Ngọc Lâm; Đoàn, Như Hải
1980Biennial Report for 1978-1979 (Prepared in accordance with IOC statutes article 12)IOC
2006Climate Contributionols on US West coast erosion processesAllan J. C.; P. D. Komar
2013Contributionasting the evolution between two types of El Nino in a data assimilation modelWu C. R.; L. C. Wang
2006El Nino effects in the Palmyra Atoll region: oceanographic changes and bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) catch rate variabilityHowell E. A.; D. R. Kobayashi
1999El Nino và tác động tới môi trường Việt Nam và vùng lân cận [El Nino and its impact on the Vietnam and adjacent environment]Nguyễn Ngọc Thụy
1996Grupo Mixto de trabajo COI-OMM-CPPS sobre las Investigaciones relativas a El NinoIOC
2006How are large western hemisphere warm pools formed?Enfield D. B.
2007Influence of El Nino/La Nina on the western winter - springer cohort of neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii) in the northwestern Pacific OceanChen X. J.; X. H. Zhao; Y. Chen
2006Influences of El Nino on assemblages of mesopelagic fish larvae along the Pacific coast of Baja California SurFunes-Rodriguez R.; Et Al.
1985International conference on the Toga scientific programmeToga Scientific Steering Group
1976International Decade of Ocean Exploitation (IDOE). Progress report volume 5U. S. Dept. Of Commerce; National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration; Environmental Data Service
1976International decade of ocean exploration-
1998Intrusion of warm surface water along the Angolan-Namibian coast in February - March 1995: the 1995 Benguela NinoGAMMELSROD T.; BATHOLOMAE C. H.; BOYER D. C.
1987Joint IOC-WMO-CPPS Working Group on the investigations of El Nino.5th session,Ecuador,1986IOC; UNESCO
1986Joint IOC-WMO-CPPS working group on the investigations of El Nino; Fifth sessionUNESCO
1985Joint IOC/WMO/CPPS Working group on the investigations of El Nino.4th session,Lima,1984IOC; UNESCO
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