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Browsing by Subject Environmental impact

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Aquaculture, resource use, and the environmentBoyd C. E.; A. A. McNevin
2015Aquaculture, resource use, and the environmentBoyd C. E.; A. A. McNevin
1996Barrages : Engineering design and environmental impactsBurt N. (Ed. ); Watts J. (Ed. )
1999Biological, physical and geochemical features of enclosed and semi-enclosed marine systemsBlomqvist E. M.; E. Bonsdorff; K. Essink
2011Các tác động môi trường của dự án ạo vét duy tu tuyến lòng tàu Định An - Cần Thơ (khu vực tỉnh Trà Vinh) (Environmental impacts of the project of dredging and maintaining Dinh An - Can Tho shipping channel Tra Vinh area)Bùi Trọng Vinh; Huỳnh Trung Tín; Nguyễn Xiêm Băng; Tô Quốc Huy
2004Capture - based aquaculture: The fattening of eels, groupers, tunas and yellowtailsFAO
2011Comparison of different nitrogen compounds in three different environments of the Gwatar shrimp farms complex in the Gwater gulf region (Baluchesta _ Iran)Khodami S.; Et Al.
2009Culture of Panulirus ornatus lobster fed fish by-catch or co-cultured Perna viridis mussel in sea cages in Viet NamDo Huu Hoang; Huynh Minh Sang; Nguyen Trung Kien; Nguyen Thi Kim Bich
1998Đánh giá tác động môi trường nhà máy nước Võ Cạnh và dự án nâng cấpPhạm Văn Thơm
2013Dynamics of turbit plumes generated by marine aggregate dredging: An example of a macrotidal environment (The Bay of Seine, France)Peek K. M.; R. S. Young; Duclos; P. A.; Et Al.
2000Environmental Management for AquacultureMidlen A.; Redding T. A.
1996Environmental Regulation and Impact AssessmentORTOLANO L.
2007Future flooding and coastal erosion risksThorne C. R.; E. P. Evans; E. C. Penning-Rowsell
1986Human induced damage to coral reefsBROWN B. E. (Ed. )
2001Introduction to engineering and the environmentRubin E. S.
1997Sources, transport and environmental impact of contaminants in the coastal and estuarine areas of ChinaZhou Jiayi (ed. )
1991The impacts of South China Sea oil spills on the environment of PalawanBERGER K. J. E.
Showing results 1 to 17 of 17


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