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Browsing by Subject Gadus morhua

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 26
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1988A comparative study of pelagic and demersal eggs from common marine fishes in Northern NorwaySUNNIVA LONNING; ELIN KJORSVIK; INGER-BRITT FALK-PETERSEN
2006Absorption, tissue distribution, metabolism and excretion of ormetoprim and sulphadimethoxine in cod (Gadus morhua) after oral administration of RometSamuelsen O. B.
2012Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) feed during spawning off Newfoundland and LabradorKrumsick K. J.; G. A. Rose
2012Condition indices of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) biased by capturing methodOvegard M.; Et Al.
1991Distribution and tropic ecology of some gadoid fish of the norwegian deepODD AKSEL BERGSTAD
1993Dominating sublittoral fish species in a west Norwegian fJournalord and their trophic links to cod (Gadus morhua L.)SALVANES A. G. V.; NORDEIDE J. T.
1987Effect of oil-exposure on the oxygen uptake of cod (Gadus morhua L.) eggs and larveaBJORN SERIGSTAD
2009Effects of female spawning experience and larval size on feeding and growth of cod larvae Gadus morhua L. reared in mesocosmsBusch K. E. T.; Et Al.
2008Feeding of mature cod (Gadus morhua) on the spawning grounds in LofotenMichalsen K.; Et Al.
1998Fisheries OceanographyMULTI
1990Food and feeding habits of fish species over a soft sublittoral bottom in the Northeast Atlantic : Cod (Gadus morhua L.) (Gadidae)STEFAN MATTSON
1999Genetic structure of cod along the coast of Norway: Results from isozyme studiesMORK J.; GIEVER M.
1992Genotype distributions of cod from the Norwegian Skagerrak coastJAKOB GJOSAETER; KNUT JORSTAD; GUNNAR NAEVDAL; SOLVEIG THORKILDSEN
2012Hydrographic influence on the spawning habitat suitability of western Baltic cod (Gadus morhua)Hussy K.; Et Al.
2011Induction of meiotic gynogenesis in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua (L.)Ottera H.; Et Al.
2011Induction of meiotic gynogenesis in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua (L.)Miller S. E.; Ottera H.; Et Al.
1992Infection with Pseudoterranova decipiens (KRABBE, 1878) larvae in cod (Gadus morhua) relative to proximity of seal coloniesTOR JENSEN; KATHRINE IDAS
2012Influence of grid orientation and time of day on grid sorting in a small - meshed trawl fishery for Norway pout (Trisopterus esmarkii)Eigaard O. R.; Et Al.
2012Is spawning time of marine fish imprinted in the genes. A two - generation experiment on local Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) populations from different geographical regionsOttera H.; Et Al.
2011Lipid composition of Mytilus edulis reared on organic waste from a Gadus morhua aquaculture facilityBoth A.; Et Al.
Showing results 1 to 20 of 26
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