
Su dung phuong phap vien tham trong cong tac tim kiem va du bao than bun khu vuc Son Tay-Xuan Mai (Application of the remote-sensing in the seaech and forecast of peats in Sontay-Xuanmai)

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dc.contributor.author NGUYEN VAN BACH
dc.contributor.author NGUYEN TIEN HAI
dc.contributor.author NGUYEN XUAN DAO
dc.date.accessioned 2015-11-24T06:16:24Z
dc.date.available 2015-11-24T06:16:24Z
dc.date.issued 1995
dc.description pp. 222-225 vi
dc.publisher Các công trình nghiên cứu Địa chất và Địa Vật lý biển vi
dc.relation.ispartofseries C.14C.89
dc.subject Vietnam vi
dc.subject HNIO vi
dc.subject Mineral Resources vi
dc.subject Peat vi
dc.title Su dung phuong phap vien tham trong cong tac tim kiem va du bao than bun khu vuc Son Tay-Xuan Mai (Application of the remote-sensing in the seaech and forecast of peats in Sontay-Xuanmai) vi
dc.type Book vi

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